stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Skoda Garde Coupe -1983
- My new daily driven car!
For some weird reason i became an owner of another Garde model. I already had the white turbo, but now also this.
I bought the car in driveable condition but it needs quite a lot work to look good. It is my only roadlegal car at the moment so i can't do big improvements to this at once. Especially at winter! Brrr!
I have some ideas and plans but basicly i just want to clean it up little bit and keep it on the road and running.
Some of you guys maybe already know that iam from Finland so if you can, use English if you have questions :)
My other coupe's -tommi-skoda-garde-turbo tommi-s-rapid
- My new daily driven car!
For some weird reason i became an owner of another Garde model. I already had the white turbo, but now also this.
I bought the car in driveable condition but it needs quite a lot work to look good. It is my only roadlegal car at the moment so i can't do big improvements to this at once. Especially at winter! Brrr!
I have some ideas and plans but basicly i just want to clean it up little bit and keep it on the road and running.
Some of you guys maybe already know that iam from Finland so if you can, use English if you have questions :)
My other coupe's -tommi-skoda-garde-turbo tommi-s-rapid
Tommi / Skoda Garde - komentáře:
-> matoo: Yes, 4x130
new wheels are 4x130?
-> Tuner#2: Thanks, they are Compomotives from 80's 

Very nice new wheels 

very nice 

-> MOLSO: čemu se tlemíš MongolOLSO?

-> Mantrabeach:

-> Pavel P..: lepší jak stotříca v sedanu

Ty vole všichni vodvařený ze seriovýho gardesa na apollech a s dvouokem

Hlavně, že má popis anglicky, a žádá, abyste psali anglicky...
So much badass Garde, bro, as well as your other one
keep it going the way you do, i admire you. Pls dont forget to share pics with us

So much badass Garde, bro, as well as your other one

car porn :P
-> Tommi S: Beautiful Garde!

Thats excellent, all your cars looks very good. For these cars is better way get it low and nice wheels and thats enought. Good luck

Just beautiful
I take to Favorites

very very nice
beautiful car 

Nice, very very very
Thumbs up!You are real hardcore fan of Garde.
This car unfortunatelly needs regular and frequent maintenance
But it is fun to ride on snow.
This car unfortunatelly needs regular and frequent maintenance

But it is fun to ride on snow.

Thanks everybody
Headlights are not original, but they were on when i bought this so i think they will be fine. "used" or "beater" style is propably where iam going haha. This will not get respray or anything like that. Just little fixing and maybe better engine.