stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Redline__ 135L - komentáře:
Nice car

Danke Vojto
. Die Arbeit geht langsam, aber bereitet mir volle Befriedigung

Hello Kaloian! Ich sehe die hintere Türklinke sind weg. Sehr schön, nur so weiter ...

-> Redline__: No in fair weather only am wonder where this pretty favourite goes and in English bittock I know isn't it any problem even on opposite glad ,that take concern in tuning Škoda and somebody from long way Good Luck in by other modified

Thank you boys
. I have just left my car by a man, who will make it look bad, something like this: img96.imageshack.us/img96
. I also wait for my new front bumper, hope it will be also good.
-> twimpi1: My country is Bulgaria, if you are asking me for this, if you're not - I'm sorry that I haven't understand you.

-> twimpi1: My country is Bulgaria, if you are asking me for this, if you're not - I'm sorry that I haven't understand you.
-> Redline__: New photos are very nice

Health you have noggin pretty car largely interior car with the precious fact pretty and with which country are

-> Tuneman2/Fávo: Yes this is also good idea - old model panels with new black upholstery
. I saw the Favy from caeee - his stop-lights are very interesting, I've never seen something like this, what he has done .

-> kirri: Tak pak umíš anglicky jak rodilý Bushovec

-> Redline__: Yes, the difference is huge, that is fact. I have still old panels, bud I still don't know if I should buy favorit panels from new model or the felicia panels
. I think that I will give there only something what was in old models, but not brown but red or black. For these things is Mr. caeee, ask him something about his Favo, he has also white one

-> Tuneman2/Fávo: I don't know if the Felicia panels can be replaced with the new Favorit panels without problems. If that's possible, it isn't so hard. First I wanted to change the whole doors with new model doors, but then I drilled my doors and put the black panels. It wasn't easy but the difference is huge

-> Tuneman2/Fávo:
to je zvláštní, že tomu co napíše tak nějak rozumím, ale já nenapíšu ani fň
-> Redline__:

-> Redline__:

-> kirri: Děkuje ti a s těma cestama souhlasí...

-> Redline__: I want to put this panels on the doors, but it is too hard, so i think that I will go my own way...

-> Tuneman2/Fávo: Thank kirri from me
. Our roads are in really bad condition
I saw your Felicia dashboard in your profile, but you will put also Felicia panels on the doors, will you?

I saw your Felicia dashboard in your profile, but you will put also Felicia panels on the doors, will you?

-> Redline__: Yes, grey interior was from year 1998. From yer 1994 to year 1998 was black interior(something as black an brown in Favo), I have black interior from Felicia pick-up from year 1996

-> Redline__: Kirri thanks you for your text and he wrote, that Bulgaria is beautiful country and that he was there five times. And also tahal Varna is interesting, but there aren't good routes

-> Tuneman2/Fávo: aháááá, no tak dík tobě za přeložení a jemu za odpověď, ještě mu napiš, že v Bulharsku je krásně (už jsem tam byl asi 5x) a Varna je taky zajímavá, jen by tam mohli mít lepší cesty

To Kirri: In the documents of my Favo is whritten, that the car is manufactured in Oktober 1993. And from the photos you can see, that the car was with brown interior.I don't wanna argue, but maybe my car isn't 1993.I don't care, important for me is the Tuning Evolution of one car
. Greetings

Tuneman2/Fávo my friend I have never seen black interior on Felicia
. I have seen just the grey one hier in Bulgaria. But I'm not suprised, because yesterday a friend of mine bought a Forman SilverLine, which has a black upholstery inside on the top