Chronalis Chronalis

komentáře | popis | fotky | Runar576 | 16.03.13 23:19 | 16x v oblíbených
I got both for 20.000 iskrónur, NO rust... rust-free, needs front wheels and hood, brake system is not working. only 2 owners since new and has a 170.000 veðbönd.


Chronalis - komentáře:

-> Runar576 27.10.12 21:50:50: Save all three Škodas because 35 cars is too small number.4
upraveno 1x, naposled 30.10.2012 20:43:08
dragon_cb_cz 27.10.12 16:22:38 napsal:

→ Runar576: I agree, put one good together and keep the

other one for spares. Or keep both as a source of spares for your first one that

you posted here some time ago (that one is very good!) – depends on how many

things are missing from either of them 4

Regarding the brake system, try to figure out what is wrong. The rubber seals

and such for the cylinders are easy to get and it shouldn't be a problem to send

them by mail – even to Iceland it shouldn't be expensive. If the cylinders

are rusted/sratched inside, it's more of a problem (they're too heavy to send

as letter), but still nothing unsolvable. Packages can be up to 30kg – a bit

less than 20 000 ISK for a 30kg package, roughly half of that for 15kg one. So

the only thing I wouldn't send by mail are the wheels 4

Thanks so much for the post!! :) That's great to know and yes, me and my partner are maybe going to get both of these on the road ;) look really good, both of em. We have a different place for both :) but thank you again! We're maybe going to buy another 2 Skóda 120. =)
-> Runar576: I agree, put one good together and keep the other one for spares. Or keep both as a source of spares for your first one that you posted here some time ago (that one is very good!) - depends on how many things are missing from either of them 4

Regarding the brake system, try to figure out what is wrong. The rubber seals and such for the cylinders are easy to get and it shouldn't be a problem to send them by mail - even to Iceland it shouldn't be expensive. If the cylinders are rusted/sratched inside, it's more of a problem (they're too heavy to send as letter), but still nothing unsolvable. Packages can be up to 30kg - a bit less than 20 000 ISK for a 30kg package, roughly half of that for 15kg one. So the only thing I wouldn't send by mail are the wheels 4
GRED-Činpokomon :D 26.10.12 21:14:51 napsal:

hello,so you own both of these skodas that are on the pictures?i think you

shall do one complete from both,and what left leave for spares4 also

i wonde rhow do you know the exact number of the skodas left in iceland2

,good luck man4

Yes I own both :D and yup i was going to that most likely :) Yes I think there are 35-40 left in total, counting 105 / 120 / 130 and mk1 and mk1 120. 1 Thank you!
upraveno 1x, naposled 26.10.2012 22:39:52
hello,so you own both of these skodas that are on the pictures?i think you shall do one complete from both,and what left leave for spares4 also i wonde rhow do you know the exact number of the skodas left in iceland2 ,good luck man4
afro100 26.10.12 18:41:05 napsal:

→ Runar576: wow … hey man, this is crazy .. good luck

Thx :P
-> Runar576: wow ... hey man, this is crazy .. good luck
Thank you!! :) I'm so proud of it! I own 3 / 33 skodas left in iceland :D
Jeee, šedivko vrak.
I wish you good luck with renovation of this Škoda.6
upraveno 1x, naposled 26.10.2012 18:30:03
Extreme Tyres