stránky o vozech Škoda 105-136, Rapid, Garde a jejich předchůdcích
Skoda 120 1987
previously it was 1.3 MPi, now subaru impreza engine (EJ20 N/A, standard 116 HP), complete chassis and body repair.
143HP 212Nm
0-100km/h about 8-8,5s
vmax 207km/h
-EJ20 SOHC engine
- throttle from EJ25
- intake manifold from EJ22 plus porting
- GT injectors
-custom exhaust manifold and muffler for honda 2.2 diesel
-Trabant fuel tank at the front
- 8bar replica Walbro fuel pump
Suspension and Brakes:
- Rapid gearbox and suspension
-polyurethane gearbox cushion
-polyurethane rubbers of the rear wishbones
- polyurethane rubbers of the front stabilizer
- front brake caliper Ford Scorpio Cosworth 2.9
-BMW e30 320 brake discs
-Mitsubishi front shock absorbers
- front springs from w210(rear)
- Rear springs from Navara D40(front)
- 4x100 cnc front wheel hub
- 35mm cnc adapter with 4x100 rear
-Rims 15x7 FONDMETAL 4000 HB
-battery moved to the front
- RECARO scorpio cosworth armchairs
- electric glass front
-central lock
- oil pressure and temperature indicators
-dashboard rapid / GLS
-black carpets
previously it was 1.3 MPi, now subaru impreza engine (EJ20 N/A, standard 116 HP), complete chassis and body repair.
143HP 212Nm
0-100km/h about 8-8,5s
vmax 207km/h
-EJ20 SOHC engine
- throttle from EJ25
- intake manifold from EJ22 plus porting
- GT injectors
-custom exhaust manifold and muffler for honda 2.2 diesel
-Trabant fuel tank at the front
- 8bar replica Walbro fuel pump
Suspension and Brakes:
- Rapid gearbox and suspension
-polyurethane gearbox cushion
-polyurethane rubbers of the rear wishbones
- polyurethane rubbers of the front stabilizer
- front brake caliper Ford Scorpio Cosworth 2.9
-BMW e30 320 brake discs
-Mitsubishi front shock absorbers
- front springs from w210(rear)
- Rear springs from Navara D40(front)
- 4x100 cnc front wheel hub
- 35mm cnc adapter with 4x100 rear
-Rims 15x7 FONDMETAL 4000 HB
-battery moved to the front
- RECARO scorpio cosworth armchairs
- electric glass front
-central lock
- oil pressure and temperature indicators
-dashboard rapid / GLS
-black carpets
PanKu / skoda 120@EJ20 subaru - komentáře:
Springs from Nissan Navara D40, fit on the rear of the Skoda. Wire diameter 16mm.
Updated description
Updated description
-> PanKu: Steel spacers? Crazy.
Btw: what parameters do Mercedes spring have? Do know them or did they just fit?
Btw: what parameters do Mercedes spring have? Do know them or did they just fit?
-> Luky: Řekl bych, že to dělaj nestejnoměrně dlouhý větve parohů, škodovka to jako jedna z mála čtyřválců vytváří siamskejma kanálama u pětikanálů (Ikdyž tam furt je, tak osmikanály mají i s litinovejma svodama a klasickou dvojtrubkou tlumičem mnohem míň znát typickej škodováckej "brum"). Boxery tohleto od přírody dělaj, protože maj proti sobě posunutý páry válců. 
Unequal lenght headers.

Unequal lenght headers.

-> PanKu: stejně zajímavý, že s jiným motorem to stejně má typický škodovkový zvuk 
It is funny that even with different engine, it still has typical Skoda sound

It is funny that even with different engine, it still has typical Skoda sound
Wow, thank you;)
-> PanKu: I "faked" a payment for you so you should be able to upload more photos.
You're talking about the rear wheels bouncing at startup. Maybe the rear springs, I have fitted with a Mercedes W124 E230, and polyurethane pads.
Thanks, but really 35% throttle opening was: D
116KM and 170Nm, but these engines have a nice graph, Nm high from the very bottom of revs
Thanks, but really 35% throttle opening was: D
116KM and 170Nm, but these engines have a nice graph, Nm high from the very bottom of revs