Skoda 120 1987
previously it was 1.3 MPi, now subaru impreza engine (EJ20 N/A, standard 116 HP), complete chassis and body repair.
143HP 212Nm
0-100km/h about 8-8,5s
vmax 207km/h
-EJ20 SOHC engine
- throttle from EJ25
- intake manifold from EJ22 plus porting
- GT injectors
-custom exhaust manifold and muffler for honda 2.2 diesel
-Trabant fuel tank at the front
- 8bar replica Walbro fuel pump
Suspension and Brakes:
- Rapid gearbox and suspension
-polyurethane gearbox cushion
-polyurethane rubbers of the rear wishbones
- polyurethane rubbers of the front stabilizer
- front brake caliper Ford Scorpio Cosworth 2.9
-BMW e30 320 brake discs
-Mitsubishi front shock absorbers
- front springs from w210(rear)
- Rear springs from Navara D40(front)
- 4x100 cnc front wheel hub
- 35mm cnc adapter with 4x100 rear
-Rims 15x7 FONDMETAL 4000 HB
-battery moved to the front
- RECARO scorpio cosworth armchairs
- electric glass front
-central lock
- oil pressure and temperature indicators
-dashboard rapid / GLS
-black carpets
Skoda 120@EJ20 first start
PanKu / skoda 120@EJ20 subaru - komentáře:
-> Luky: Řekl bych, že to dělaj nestejnoměrně dlouhý větve parohů, škodovka to jako jedna z mála čtyřválců vytváří siamskejma kanálama u pětikanálů (Ikdyž tam furt je, tak osmikanály mají i s litinovejma svodama a klasickou dvojtrubkou tlumičem mnohem míň znát typickej škodováckej "brum"). Boxery tohleto od přírody dělaj, protože maj proti sobě posunutý páry válců.
Unequal lenght headers.

upraveno 2x, naposled 05.04.2020 12:51:39
-> PanKu: I "faked" a payment for you so you should be able to upload more photos.
You're talking about the rear wheels bouncing at startup. Maybe the rear springs, I have fitted with a Mercedes W124 E230, and polyurethane pads.
Thanks, but really 35% throttle opening was: D
116KM and 170Nm, but these engines have a nice graph, Nm high from the very bottom of revs
30-35% max throttle opening.
The accelerator pedal movement is different to that of the subaru throttle

I was waiting for a gearbox cushion, I waited about a month.
And the rear suspension bushings did to me in one week
Only front bushes have a standard offer. How do you want this for the gearbox. You write an email to Olkusz, they treat it as a special order, and send them your pillow, and on the basis of it they make a new polyurethane